
Mount and Unmount ISO,MDF,NRG Images Using AcetoneISO (GUI Tool)

AcetoneISO is CD/DVD image manipulator for Linux.Using this tool it is very easy to Mount and Unmount ISO,MDF,NRG Images

AcetoneISO Features

  • Mount and Unmount ISO, MDF, NRG (if iso-9660 standard)

  • Convert / Extract / Browse to ISO : *.bin *.mdf *.nrg *.img *.daa *.cdi *.xbx *.b5i *.bwi *.pdi

  • Play a DVD Movie ISO with most used media players

  • Generate an ISO from a Folder or CD/DVD

  • Generate MD5 file of an image

  • Encrypt an image

  • Split image in X megabyte

  • Compress with High Ratio an image

  • Rip a PSX cd to *.bin to make it work with epsxe/psx emulators

  • Service-Menu support for Konqueror

  • Restore a lost CUE file of *.bin *.img

Preparing Your System

You need to install kommander ( it consists of an editor and a program executor that produce dialogs that you can execute), which is required by AcetoneISO. You also need p7zip (a file archiver with highest compression ratio) to compress and extract ISO images.

sudo apt-get install kommander p7zip

Install AcetoneISO in Ubuntu

First you need to download latest AcetoneISO .deb package from here

Now you should be having AcetoneISO-6.7.deb file you need to install this file using the follwoing command

sudo dpkg -i AcetoneISO-6.7.deb

This will complete the installation

Now you need to go to Application > Accessories > AcetoneISO

Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen

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1 评论:

daspeac 说...

I have heard about another way of corrupt mdf recovery. Besides, you can visit my blogs at: http://daspeac.livejournal.com/ or http://daspeac.blogspot.com/ where I’m trying to share my experience with regard to data corruption issues.