
Installing .sh files in Ubuntu 7.04

Sometimes when you need to install a software on Ubuntu, the installation package only comes in .sh files instead of standard .deb package for Debian. Well the .sh itself has to be executable, however when you got it from internet repository its attribute is set to non-executable. To change this file attribute you need to either Right Click the .sh file from your file explorer, select file property -> file permission and make it is executable.

You can also change it via the command line console in your Ubuntu.
Open a Terminal Window. If you downloaded the file to your Ubuntu desktop you probably need to

cd /home/userid/Desktop

ls to see if the file exists.

chmod 777 /path/some_linux_installation.sh

After you changed the file attribute, you can execute those file directly via terminal window or click it when you use file manager. Your installation file should startup.

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